Returning to Campus: Li Xiaoye’s Journey of International Study as a Freshman

Hello everyone, I’m Li Xiaoye, a new student who enrolled in April 2024. Previously, I worked in sports photography in Shanghai. As someone who has already entered the workforce and now returned to campus life, everything fills me with joy. What delights me the most is rediscovering my curiosity for new things, constantly trying and reflecting, which also serves as my motivation for learning.

However, embarking on this new life inevitably brings worries and anxieties. Learning a new language takes time, adapting to new rules, and handling the mundane aspects of life all require effort. Therefore, being able to seek help from the right people and solve problems can enhance our experience abroad and increase confidence in the future.

Language school is probably a must for international students, and I feel fortunate to have chosen Huayang this time. The teachers are friendly and responsible, almost always ready to answer any questions. In the initial stages, they accompany us to handle necessary procedures like getting a phone card or a bank card. The school also occasionally shares part-time job opportunities and organizes outings in the surrounding areas. I never expected language school to offer such a rich experience, and I hope the path of learning in the future will be even more colorful.

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