First Experience in Japan and Future Planning: Zhou’s Study and Life Lessons

Hello, my name is Zhou Lingfan and I am from Nantong, Jiangsu Province, China. I came to Japan on July 1 this year, and I have been studying and living in Japan for more than a month.

The first main reason I chose to come to Japan is that I have been exposed to Japanese comics and anime since I was in elementary school and junior high school, and I have slowly become interested in Japanese culture. Studying in Japan allows me to experience the unique culture of Japan in between my studies. The second reason is that the tuition fee in Japan is cheaper than that in Europe and America, but the education resources in Japan are no less than those in other countries, and the welfare policy of the Japanese government for international students is also very favorable. The third reason is that the distance from China to Japan is relatively close, and the food habits of Japan and China are similar, so it is easier for me to adapt to the newcomer.

Now in Japan for more than a month of study life can be clearly experienced, the streets here in Japan, the parking of vehicles is neat and orderly, and in the convenience stores or supermarkets or restaurants in contact with the service industry staff is also friendly. At first, I was confused about paying utility bills and disposing of garbage that I might encounter while living in Japan, because when I lived with my family in Japan, I didn’t really need to think about these things. However, after receiving the bill for the first time, and doing the first practical work based on the payment methods that I searched for in the relevant social media software and inquired about with my teacher, I realized that it is not as difficult as I thought to pay for the living expenses in Japan. Therefore, I am getting used to living in Japan.

In choosing a language school, I chose WAYO based on the ratio of the student population and the learning atmosphere. At the beginning, my understanding of Woyo was only limited to the fact that most of the students here are Chinese, and the atmosphere for further study is relatively strong, and the location is also very favorable, with convenient transportation …… Therefore, for me, who came to Japan for the first time for the purpose of further study, Woyo was undoubtedly the optimal choice.

In fact, in the beginning of July in the language school learning life, can also be experienced the overall strong learning atmosphere, for example, in the class, in the lecture after an example of the text, the teacher may remove some of the content of the example of the text into the space for us to make free play and publish, I think this to a certain extent to exercise my ability to think, but also let me have the opportunity to open my mouth for the exercise that needs to be done. In daily life, because I first came to Japan, there are various procedures to be done, such as bank cards and resident registration, and the Chinese teacher at Woyo led us to go through the procedures together and guided us in filling out some forms, which made this unfamiliar and cumbersome operation easy for me to understand. My first impression of the school was that the teachers were very kind and answered all my questions. The transportation facilities and public services near the school are also very complete.

My long term goal is to enter a Japanese university to study business administration or commerce. In the near future, my goal is to get a good score on TOEIC, EJU and JLPT. Currently, I use the blog that comes with my cell phone to listen to Japanese news in the morning after I wake up to practice listening to Japanese, and I also spend half an hour listening to TOEIC, and then half an hour brushing up on the TOEIC textbook that I purchased, and I also spend a fragment of time every day on Japanese vocabulary, accumulating and reciting vocabulary to improve my vocabulary, and I also spend time reading the textbook in order to practice my accent and fluency in speaking Japanese. I also spend time reading articles in the textbook in order to practice my Japanese accent and fluency.

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