From Japanese language novice to 322 points in EJU exam with scholarship–Lee.

A high school student from Jiangxi, China:From a Japanese language novice to EJ322 in just one year, she went from being socially intimidated to enjoying interacting with people. 2024 was also awarded a study incentive grant from a student support organization. Let’s hear what Mr. Li has to say!

Hello, I am Li Yunhan.
I come from Jiangxi Province, China. I came to WAYO Japanese Language School in May last year, and when I first came here, my Japanese level was still just recognizing all the 50-syllable charts, but after one year’s study this year, I got 322 points in EJU, which is a relatively satisfactory score!

eju is mainly divided into reading, listening and writing three panels, of which I personally think the main difficulty should lie in the listening part. Preparing for the exam is basically three words, do more questions, because it is to enter the university exam, the examination is basically the university life may encounter a variety of situations, questions to do enough dialog in any situation can be encountered, familiar with it will not be difficult!

After I came to Japan, WAYO Japanese Language School gave me a lot of help in my study and life. In terms of study, we took a placement test at the beginning of the school year, and according to my grades, the school assigned me to a class with the right pace, and the teachers were very responsible, adjusting the speed of the lessons according to the needs of different students as well as doing some special exercises and guidance. For example, considering that there are a few students in the class who are going to university, the teacher will set up a listening course a few days a week, and for those who are applying for postgraduate studies, the teacher will also give a lot of guidance on how to go on to higher education.

In terms of living, the school provides a dormitory with a reasonable location and convenient transportation, and for students like me who need to work part-time, the school also helps to introduce part-time jobs, so that we can have more time to devote to the next Japanese language study.

I hope that everyone can leave their own unique memories in Japan, and I wish you all the best of luck in getting into the university of your choice.

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