What’s the meaning of studying Japanese? … after graduating from a Japanese language school … and in the future ・・・・・?”

On the Wednesday, as a special class, teachers from Tokyo Global Business College and Tokyo Sogo College of Beauty and Aesthetics visited us and talked about “Career paths after graduation from Japanese language school”.

Contents is…

  • What do you need to do to find a job in Japan?
  • What kind of people can get a job in Japan?
  • What is the difference between graduate school, university, and vocational school?
  • What kind of people are suited to graduate schools, universities, and vocational schools?
  • What are the different types of visas?  
  • What does studying at a Japanese language school mean for the future?

・・・・・, etc. We had so many important discussions that we can’t write them all down here.

When you clarify your future goals, you will have a clear idea of what you should do at a Japanese language school and what career path you should choose after graduating from a Japanese language school.

By setting your goals at each stage of your study, i.e., “goals to be achieved at the school,” “goals to be achieved after graduation,” and “future goals,” you will be more motivated to study Japanese language.

Everyone, find your own goals and do your best to achieve them without giving up! The real work is just beginning.

The best interesting part in Wednesday’s class is group work.

In the group work, students were able to actually experience the practical classes that are offered at Tokyo College of Global Business, which are not just classroom lectures.

Both students and teachers worked hard together while having fun together.

It was impressive to see how serious all the students looked when they were presenting their answers to the tasks.

I believe that on this day, students were able to experience the sense of accomplishment of accomplishing something and the fun of cooperating with others.

We teachers were also able to reaffirm that we, too, need to devise ways to make learning fun for our students.

Finally, I would like to thank once again the teachers of Tokyo Global Business College and Tokyo Sogo College of Beauty and Aesthetics who gave us valuable lessons on this day. Thank you very much!

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